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Getting Started

How vJailbreak Works

vJailbreak’s intuitive interface leverages the OpenStack SDK to interact directly with both your VMware vSphere environment and your target OpenStack cloud. The UI guides you through these key steps:

  1. Connection Setup: Easily configure connections to your source VMware vSphere environment and your target OpenStack cloud.
  2. VM Selection: Select the VMs you wish to migrate from your vSphere environment.
  3. Migration Planning: Configure migration settings, such as target storage and network configurations, through interactive forms.
  4. Migration Execution: Initiate and monitor the migration process with real-time progress updates.
  5. Post-Migration Validation: Verify the successful migration and launch of your VMs in OpenStack.

Get Started


  1. Download and Install ORAS

    Download and install ORAS. Then, download the latest version of the vjailbreak image with the following command:

    Terminal window
    oras pull

    This will download the vjailbreak qcow2 image locally. Upload it to your OpenStack environment and create your vjailbreak VM with it.

  2. Ensure Connectivity

    Ensure that your vjailbreak VM can communicate with your OpenStack and VMware environments. This includes any setup required for VPNs, etc. If you do not have an OpenStack environment, you can download the community edition of Private Cloud Director to get started.

  3. Copy VDDK Libraries

    Copy over the VDDK libraries for Linux into /home/ubuntu of the vjailbreak VM. Untar it to a folder named vmware-vix-disklib-distrib in the /home/ubuntu directory.

  4. Deploy Resources

    Deploy all the following resources in the same namespace where you installed the Migration Controller. By default, it is migration-system.

    • Create the Creds Objects

      Ensure that after you create these objects, their status reflects that the credentials have been validated. If it is not validated, the migration will not proceed.

      kind: OpenstackCreds
      name: sapmo1
      namespace: migration-system
      OS_INSECURE: true/false <optional>
      kind: VMwareCreds
      name: pnapbmc1
      namespace: migration-system
      VCENTER_INSECURE: true/false
      • OpenstackCreds use the variables from the openstack.rc file. All these fields are compulsory except OS_INSECURE.
      • All the fields in VMwareCreds are compulsory.
    • Create Network Mapping

      Create the mapping between networks in VMware and networks in OpenStack.

      kind: NetworkMapping
      name: nwmap1
      namespace: migration-system
      - source: VM Network
      target: vlan3002
      - source: VM Network 2
      target: vlan3003
    • Create Storage Mapping

      Create the mapping between datastores in VMware and volume types in OpenStack.

      kind: StorageMapping
      name: stmap1
      namespace: migration-system
      - source: vcenter-datastore-1
      target: lvm
      - source: vcenter-datastore-2
      target: ceph
    • Create the MigrationTemplate

      kind: MigrationTemplate
      name: migrationtemplate-windows
      namespace: migration-system
      networkMapping: name_of_networkMapping
      storageMapping: name_of_storageMapping
      osType: windows/linux <optional>
      datacenter: name_of_datacenter
      vmwareRef: name_of_VMwareCreds
      openstackRef: name_of_OpenstackCreds
      • osType is optional. If not provided, the osType is retrieved from vCenter. If it cannot be automatically determined, migration will not proceed.
    • Create the MigrationPlan

      kind: MigrationPlan
      name: vm-migration-app1
      namespace: migration-system
      migrationTemplate: migrationtemplate-windows
      retry: true/false <optional>
      - newvoltype1
      - newnetworkname1
      - newnetworkname2
      - <port uuid 1>
      - <port uuid 2>
      type: hot/cold
      dataCopyStart: 2024-08-27T17:30:25.230Z
      vmCutoverStart: 2024-08-27T17:30:25.230Z
      vmCutoverEnd: 2024-08-28T17:30:25.230Z
      adminInitiatedCutOver: true/false
      performHealthChecks: true/false
      healthCheckPort: string
      - - winserver2k12
      - winserver2k16
      - - winserver2k19
      - winserver2k22
      • retry: Optional. Retries one failed migration in a migration plan once. Set to false after a migration has been retried.
      • advancedOptions: This is an optional field for granular control over migration options. MigrationTemplate with mappings must still be present. These options override the ones in the template, if set. If you use these options, you must only have 1 VM present in the virtualmachines list.
        • granularVolumeTypes: In case you wish to provide different volume types to disks of a VM when they are all on the same datastore, you can specify the volume type of each disk of your VM in order. You must define one volume type for one disk present on the VM.
        • granularNetworks: In case you wish to override the default network mapping for a VM, you can provide a list of OpenStack network names to use for each NIC on the VM, in order.
        • granularPorts: In case you wish to pre-create ports for a VM with certain configs and directly provide them to the target VM, you can define a list of port IDs to be used for each network on the VM. It will override options set in granularNetworks.
      • migrationStrategy: This is an optional field.
        • type:
          • cold: Cold indicates to power off VMs in migrationPlan at the start of the migration. Quicker than hot.
          • hot: Powers VM off just before cutover starts. Data copy occurs with the source VM powered on. May take longer.
        • dataCopyStart: Optional. ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when to start data copy.
        • vmCutoverStart: Optional. ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when to start VM cutover.
        • vmCutoverEnd: Optional. ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the latest time by when VM cutover can start. If this time has been passed before the cutover can start, migration will fail.
        • adminInitiatedCutOver: Set to true if you wish to manually trigger the cutover process. Default false.
        • performHealthChecks: Set to false if you want to disable Ping and HTTP GET health check. Failing these checks does not clean up the targeted VM. Default false.
        • healthCheckPort: Port to run the HTTP GET health check against. Default “443”.
      • virtualmachines: Specify names of VMs to migrate. In this example, the batch of VMs winserver2k12 and winserver2k16 migrate in parallel. winserver2k19 and winserver2k22 will wait for the first two to complete successfully, and then start in parallel. You can use this notation to specify whether VMs should migrate sequentially or in parallel within a plan.

Each VM migration will spawn a migration object. The status field contains a high-level view of the progress of the migration of the VM. For more details about the migration, check the logs of the pod specified in the Migration object.