What’s Changed
- Accept vmware and openstack creds via secert by @spai-p9 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/228
- Create and Reuse existing open stack and vmware creds with other mino… by @patil-pratik-87 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/237
- Support OS installed on LV by @OmkarDeshpande7 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/227
- Adding templates for github wiki by @sharma-tapas in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/226
- resolving lint issues by @patil-pratik-87 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/239
- resolving lint issues by @patil-pratik-87 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/240
- update image tag to v0.1.5 by @OmkarDeshpande7 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/242
- Base documentation update for vJailbreak by @sharma-tapas in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/243
- Update checkout action to generate release notes by @sharma-tapas in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/249
- Update checkout action to generate release notes by @sharma-tapas in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/250
- Ingress changes to call k8s apis by @spai-p9 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/252
- Reformatted readme by @damian-pf9 in https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/pull/206
New Contributors
- @damian-pf9
- @anmolsachan
- @bhavin192
Full Changelog: https://github.com/platform9/vjailbreak/compare/v0.1.4…v0.1.5