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Scaling vJailbreak

vJailbreak at Scale: Managing Agents with VjailbreakNode

vJailbreak can be scaled to perform multiple migrations in parallel by deploying additional agents, enabling greater efficiency and workload distribution. The VjailbreakNode Custom Resource Definition (CRD) streamlines the creation and management of these agents, ensuring seamless integration into the migration workflow. Each VjailbreakNode represents a VM that functions as an independent migration agent. These agents are dynamically added to the original VjailbreakNode, forming a cohesive cluster that enhances scalability, reliability, and overall migration performance.

VjailbreakNode CRD

The VjailbreakNode CRD allows you to manage vJailbreak nodes within your Kubernetes cluster. Here’s how to define a VjailbreakNode resource:

kind: VjailbreakNode
name: example-vjailbreak-node
namespace: migration-system
imageid: "your-openstack-image-id" # This ID is for the first vjailbreak VMimage. It auto-populates in the UIβ€”do not delete it.
noderole: "migration-worker"
name: "sapmo1" # Reference to your OpenstackCreds
namespace: "migration-system"
openstackflavorid: "your-openstack-flavor-id"

Explanation of VjailbreakNode CRD Fields

This VjailbreakNode CRD defines a Kubernetes resource that provisions a VM in OpenStack to act as a migration agent. Below is a breakdown of each field:


  • metadata:
    Metadata contains identifying details about the VjailbreakNode.
    • name: example-vjailbreak-node
      Specifies the name of this VjailbreakNode resource in Kubernetes.
    • namespace: migration-system
      Indicates the namespace where this resource is deployed within the Kubernetes cluster.

Spec (Specification)

The spec section defines the desired state of the VjailbreakNode.

  • imageid: "your-openstack-image-id"

    • This is the ID of the OpenStack image used to create the VM.
    • It must match the image ID used to create the initial vJailbreak VM, ensuring compatibility across all migration agents.
  • noderole: "worker"

    • Defines the role of the node.
    • It should be set to "worker" as this node functions as a migration agent within the vJailbreak cluster.
  • openstackcreds:

    • OpenstackCreds use the variables from the openstack.rc file.
    • name: "sapmo1" β†’ Refers to a Secret or CustomResource storing OpenStack authentication details.
    • namespace: "migration-system" β†’ The namespace where OpenStack credentials are stored.
  • openstackflavorid: "your-openstack-flavor-id"

    • Specifies the OpenStack flavor ID, which determines the VM’s compute resources (CPU, RAM, disk size, etc.).
    • The chosen flavor should align with the resource requirements for migration workloads.

This configuration ensures vJailbreak can scale efficiently by adding worker nodes dynamically to handle multiple migrations in parallel. πŸš€

🚨 ** Important note ** 🚨 After scaling up make sure that Copy over the VDDK libraries for Linux into /home/ubuntu of the new agents. Untar it to a folder name vmware-vix-disklib-distrib in /home/ubuntu directory.

NOTE: To retrieve the password for logging into a worker node, follow these steps:

  1. SSH into the master node and run:
    Terminal window
    cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/token
  2. The first 12 characters of this token is your password.

πŸš€ Required Ingress Rules for Kubernetes Node with Kubelet, Metrics Server, and Prometheus

Kubelet API10250TCPControl Plane / PrometheusHealth checks, logs, metrics
Kubelet Read-Only (Optional)10255TCPInternal OnlyDeprecated but might be used in some cases
Metrics Server4443TCPInternal ClusterK8s resource metrics (kubectl top)
Prometheus9090TCPInternal Cluster / Monitoring ServerPrometheus UI and API
Node Exporter (if used)9100TCPPrometheusNode-level metrics
Cadvisor (Optional)4194TCPInternal Cluster / PrometheusContainer metrics collection